The below are stories written to explore different ideas, styles, and genres. With each one, I work to develop my craft, attempt to push my boundaries, and strive to become a better writer.
Please take a look around and enjoy.
Grace and Conflict
Aislign entered the grand ballroom and had to hold back a gasp. The ostentatious decor was undoubtedly beautiful, but in such a way that it was overwhelming. “Good Evening Madam,” the doorman said. Smiling, Aislign said. “Good evening Thomas-and please-tonight it is Counselor Weaver.” “Yes, of course Madam. My apologies.” …
Buck and the Beanstalk
Point of view Challenge: Jack and the Beanstalk Prompt: Re-tell this story from the first person point view from a character of your invention. Any first-person narrators are unreliable because the telling always is leans toward their personal agenda. ——————————————————- “How in the Sam hill don’t y’all understand? Mr. Jensen,…